We are SAMASHRAY FOUNDATION that works at the grassroots level with individual, schools and front-line educators to create new opportunities for kids, women, physically or financially challenged to be active, fit, and healthy.  We work with communities to bring in funding, equipment, teacher training, curriculum, and the resources, need to get kids, women, physically or financially challenged to get carrier in sports. 

When Samashray comes to a school, kids never want to miss PE and teachers report they see fantastic changes not just in their students’ health, but in their attitude toward fitness and healthy lifestyles.

It is the mission of the Samashray Foundation to provide opportunities and support to people with physical challenges or financially challenged, so they can pursue active lifestyles through physical fitness and competitive athletics. The Samashray believes that involvement in sports at any level increases self-esteem encourages independence and enhances quality of life.

Samashray Foundation vision is to be a recognized leader in a movement through which physically challenged athletes are accepted and respected at the same level as able-bodied athletes, to have a great and significant impact on each physically challenged athlete served, and to reach out to the physically challenged community by providing inspiration, awareness and mentoring.

We are an action-based charity which means the funds we receive result in kids in motion.   We have been doing this work for nearly thirty years and have learned that it is true….if you build it, they will come!